Golden Wattle flower


  • Golden Wattle is also known as Acacia pycnantha.
  • It is Australia's national flower.
  • The Golden Wattle blooms in spring, in beginning of September.
  • It has large fluffy, yellow, sweet smelling flower heads.
  • Each Golden Wattle flower head is a bunch of many tiny flowers.
  • Acacias are popularly called Wattle.
  • Australian Acacia pycnantha species are called Golden Wattles, while the African and American species are generally called Acacias.
  • Golden Wattle are sometimes used as food by the larvae of hepialid moths of the genus Aenetus.
  • The strong scent of Golden Wattles, creates an allergic reaction in some people sensitive to perfumes.


  • Wattles are grown for their wood. that can be used in house construction, furniture making, paper pulp, fibre board manufacture, cellulose for rayon, charcoal and firewood for village communities. Blackwood produces a high quality cabinet timber from which very beautiful furniture is made, especially in Tasmania!
  • The extracted tannin is largely used for tanning leather, but can also be used in making adhesives, preserving ropes and nets, making dyestuffs, corrosion inhibitors and as pharmaceutical products.
  • Acacia seeds have a high nutritional value, and are good sources of protein, fat and carbohydrate.
  •  the ground and roasted seeds are used for flavouring sauces and ice cream, in breads, pasta and biscuits. Acacia seeds are good in diabetic diets.
  • Gum is eaten by all traditional societies native to acacia areas, it is also used as a glue.
  • Gum arabic is is commonly used as a thickener and emulsifier in prepared food products, confectionary, soft drinks, ice cream, cosmetics, toothpaste, soap, adhesives (eg. postage stamps), paints, ammunition and explosives, polishes, medicinal products, and industrial printing.


Wattles are grown for medicine.

  • The tannin rich inner bark and gums of wattles have therapeutic effects.
  • Bark can alleviate diarrhoea, gums can soothe inflamed skin.
  • Africa use Acacia caffra as an emetic, and give the leaves to their children for tummy troubles.

In more recent times, Gum Arabic has been used as a major component of artificial blood serum. Sap from the phyllodes of the Hawaiin Acacia koa can inhibit Golden Staphylococcus bacteria, and there are recent reports that Acacia victoria in Australia can produce chemicals called triterpenoid saponins that inhibit tumour growth.


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Hug me COCA-COLA machine

Coca-Cola is one of the few valuable brands that have successfully changed their slogans regularly and still maintain the same brand identity and value. From it’s “Always Coca-Cola” to “It’s the Real Thing” to their most current, “Open Happiness”, they have always maintained a family-friendly wholesome image.

A new Coca-Cola vending machine at the National University of Singapore is programmed to dispense a bottle of Coke when a person wraps their arms around the machine. The machine has the inviting words “Hug Me” written on its front in Coca-Cola’s signature font.

They say money can’t buy you love, but apparently a little love can buy you a bottle of Coke.

The reaction of has been unbelievable. At one point, there was a group of friends who hugged the machine at the same time. In the process, they hug each other too. That is exactly the reaction that Coca-Cola is gunning for. They want customers to establish an emotional connection with their brand but they also want their brand to inspire customers to establish a relationship with each other.

When asked about the reason behind this marketing and such amazing machine, Coke Asia’s Pacific Director for Sparkling and Activation Platforms, Mr. Leonardo O’Grady, stated that

since happiness is contagious and the company wanted to spread happiness, they have made such a machine to give some smiles to the people, who want to give a hug or want a hug.

As soon as the campaign was launched for the young and peppy crowd, the reaction was noticed; it was superbly amazing! In fact, people waited in queue to give hugs!

Steady state concentration answer

Correct answer is option a

the steady state concentration of a drug is directly proportional to the infusion rate.

increasing the loading dose provides a transient increase in drug level but the steady state level remains unchanged.

doubling both the rate of infusion and the concentration of infused drug leads to a four fold increase in the steady state concentration of the drug

tripling or quadrupling the rate of infusion leads to either or three or four increase in the steady state drug concentration

Steady state concentration

Which of the following results in our doubling of the steady state concentration of a drug?

A. Doubling the rate of infusion

B. maintaining the rate of infusion but doubling the loading dose

C. doubling the rate of infusion and doubling the concentration of the infused drug

D. tripling the rate of infusion

E. quadrupling the rate of infusion






Half-Life answer

Correct answer is option d

One approaches 90% of the final steady state in
( 3.3 )( half life) = (3.3) (12) = ~40 hours

Half Life

A drug with the half life of 12 hours is administered by continuous IV infusion. how long will it take for the drug to reach 90% of its final steady state level?

A. 18 Hours
B. 24 hours
C. 30 hours
D. 40 hours
E. 19 hours


Zero order kinetics answer

Correct answer is option d

drugs with zero order kinetics of elimination show a linear relationship between drug concentration and time.

in most clinical situations the concentration of a drug is much less than the Michaelis Menton constant (Km).

a decrease in drug concentration is linear with time.

the half life of the drug increases with dose.

a constant amount of drug is eliminated per unit of time.

Zero order kinetics

Drugs showing zero order kinetics of elimination?

A. Are more common than those showing first order kinetics.

B. Decreases in concentration exponentially with time.

C. Have a Half-Life independent of doors.

D. Show a plot of drug concentration vs time that is linear

E. show a constant fraction of the drug eliminated per unit time


Glucuronic acid answer

Correct answer is option B

The addition of gluconic acid prevents recognition of the drug by its receptor.

Glucuronic acid is charged and the drug conjugate has increased water solubility.

Conjugation is a phase 2 reaction.

Neonates are deficient in the conjugating enzymes.

Cytochrome p450 is involved in phase 1 reactions.

Glucuronic Acid

The addition of glucuronic acid to a drug?

A. Decreases its water solubility

B. Usually leads to inactivation of the drug

C. Is an example of a phase 1 reaction

D. Occurs at the same rate in adults and newborns

E. Involves cytochrome P450







First order kinetics answer

The correct answer is option C

The direct proportionality between concentration and rate is the definition of first order.

The half life of a drug is a constant.

For first order reactions the fraction of the drug eliminated not the amount of drug is constant.

Rate limiting reaction operating at maximum velocity would show zero order kinetics.

First order kinetics show a linear plot of log drug concentration vs time.

Daughter (Beti)


*ایک بار ایک لڑکی نے امام سید علی خامنہ ای سے کہا کہ آغاایک بات پوچھوں؟؟
 امام سید علی خامنہ ای نے فرمایا بولو بیٹی کیا بات ھے؟؟؟
لڑکی نے کہا ہمارے سماج میں لڑکوں کو ہر طرح کی آزادی ھوتی ہے ! وہ کچھ بھی کریں کہیں بھی جائیں ان پر کوئی خاص روک ٹوک نہیں ہوتی!
اس کے برعکس لڑکیوں کو بات بات پر روکا جاتا ہے 
یہ مت کرو یہاں مت جاو گھر جلدی آجاؤ 
یہ سن کر  امام سید علی خامنہ ای مسکرائے اور فرمایا 
بیٹی آپ نے کبھی لوہے کی دکان کے باہر لوہے کی چیزیں پڑیں دیکھی ہیں ؟ یہ گودام میں سردی،گرمی،برسات،رات، دن اسی طرح پڑی رہتی ہیں 
اس کے باوجود ان کا کچھ نہیں بگڑتا اور ان کی قیمت پر بھی کوئی اثر نہیں پڑتا
 لڑکوں کی کچھ اس طرح کی حیثیت ہے سماج میں!
اب آپ چلو ایک سنار کی دوکان میں
ایک بڑی تجوری اس میں ایک چھوٹی تجوری اس میں رکھی چھوٹی سُندر سی ڈبی میں ریشم پر نزاکت سے رکھا چمچماتا ہیرا
کیونکہ جوہری جانتا ہے کی اگر ہیرے میں ذرا بھی خراش آ گئی تو اس کی کوئی قیمت نہیں رہے گی 
اسلام میں بیٹیوں کی اہمیت بھی کچھ اسی طرح کی ھے
پورے گھر کو روشن کرتی جھلملاتے ہیرے کی طرح ذرا سی خراش سے اس کے اور اس کے گھر والوں کے پاس کچھ نہیں بچتا 
بس یہی فرق ہے لڑکیوں اور لڑکوں میں 
پوری مجلس میں خاموشی چھا گئی
اس بیٹی کے ساتھ پوری مجلس کی آنکھوں میں چھائی نمی صاف صاف بتا رہی تھی لوہے اور ہیرے میں کیا فرق ہے

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor

Character (Kirdaar)

ایک شادی شدہ جوڑے کے گھر کے سامنے نئے پڑوسی آئے اِن کی کھڑکی سے نئے پڑوسیوں کا گھر صاف دکھائی پڑتا تھا یہ شادی شدہ جوڑے کی عورت اپنے نئے ہمسائیوں کی ہر چھوٹی چھوٹی بات کو کھڑکی سے نوٹ کرتی اور اپنے شوہر سے شیئر کرتی۔

ایک دن جب وہ دونوں ناشتہ کر رہے تھے تو بیوی نے کھڑکی میں سے دیکھا کہ سامنے والوں نے کپڑے دھو کر پھیلائے ہوئے ہیں۔ "یہ لوگ کتنے خراب اور گندے کپڑے دھوتے ہیں"، بیوی چائے کا گھونٹ لیتے ہوئے اپنے شوہر سے بولی: "ذرا صاف کپڑے نہیں دُھلے، اِن کی خواتین کو کپڑے دھونے آتے ہی نہیں ہیں، ان کو چاہیے کہ اپنا صابن تبدیل کر لیں، یا کم از کم کسی سے سیکھ ہی لیں کہ کپڑے کس طرح دھوئے جاتے ہیں"۔ شوہر نے نظریں اُٹھا کر کھڑکی کی طرف دیکھا، زیرِ لب مسکرا کر پھر ناشتہ کرنے میں مشغول ہو گیا۔

اسی طرح ہر بار جب بھی اُن کے پڑوسی کپڑے دھو کر پھیلاتے، اِس عورت کے اُن کے کپڑوں اور دُھلائی کے بارے میں یہی تاثرات ہوتے۔ وہ ہمیشہ ہی اپنے شوہر کے سامنے اپنے خیالات کا اظہار کرتی کہ "آج پھر ان لوگوں نے کپڑے اچھے نہیں دھوئے", دل چاہتا ہے خود جا کر ان کو بتا دوں کہ کس طرح یہ اپنے کپڑوں کی دھلائی بہتر کر سکتے ہیں۔ وغیرہ وغیرہ !! الغرض اُن کے پڑوسیوں کا گھر اور اُن کے کپڑوں کی دھلائی ہمیشہ ہی اِس عورت کی تنقید کا نشانہ بنے رہتے۔

ایک صبح جب یہ عورت ناشتے کی میز پر بیٹھی تو پڑوسیوں کے صاف سُتھرے دُھلے ہوئے کپڑے دیکھ کر حیران رہ گئی اور اپنے شوہر سے بولی، "دیکھا! بالآخر انہوں نے سیکھ ہی لیا کہ کپڑے کیسے دھوئے جاتے ہیں، شکر ہے کہ آج اُن کے کپڑے صاف ہیں، لیکن مجھے حیرت ہے کہ آخر یہ عقل اُن کو آئی کیسے۔۔۔؟"
پھر شوہر کو مخاطب کرتے ہوئے بولی "شاید انہوں نے کپڑے دھونے کا طریقہ تبدیل کر لیا ہے یا پھر اپنا صابن بدل دیا ہے" اور چپ ہوتے ہی اپنے شوہر کی طرف جواب طلب نظروں سے دیکھنے لگی۔
شوہر جو ناشتہ کرنے میں مصروف تھا بیوی کی باتیں سن کر مسکراتے ہوئے، کھڑکی کی طرف اشارہ کرتے ہوئے بولا، "بیگم! آج صبح میں جلدی اُٹھ گیا تھا اور میں نے اِس گرد سے بھری ہوئی کھڑکی کو اچھی طرح صاف کر دیا تھا، جہاں سے تم سامنے والوں کو دیکھتی تھی"

                 ​​حاصل کلام :! 
بالکل ایسا ہی ہماری روزمرہ زندگی میں بھی ہوتا ہے۔ ہماری اپنی کھڑکی صاف نہیں ہوتی اور ہم دوسروں کو موردِ الزام ٹھہرا رہے ہوتے ہیں۔ اصل مسئلہ خود ہمارے اندر ہوتا ہے لیکن ہمارا اُس طرف دھیان ہی نہیں جاتا۔​​

کسی کو پرکھنے کا یہ انتہائی بہترین طریقہ ہے کہ سب سے پہلے ہم اپنی کھڑکی کو دیکھیں، کیا وہ صاف ہے؟ کیونکہ جب ہم کسی کو دیکھتے ہیں اور اپنی رائے کا اظہار کرتے ہیں تو اس بات کا انحصار اُس کھڑکی یا ذریعے کی شفافیت پر ہوتا ہے جس سے ہم کسی کو چانچ رہے ہوتے ہیں۔
چونکہ انسان خطا کا پتلہ ہے اِس لیے غلطی کا انسان سے صادر ہونا ایک فطری عمل ہے۔ لیکن دوسروں پر انگلی اُٹھانے سے پہلے اِس چیز کا یقین کر لیں کہ کیا ہم بھی تو اُسی غلطی سے دوچار نہیں ....

Volume of distribution

In pharmacology, volume of distribution (VD) is the theoretical volume that would be necessary to contain the total amount of an administered drug at the same concentration that it is observed in the blood plasma. It is defined as the distribution of a medication between plasma and the rest of the body after oral or parenteral dosing.

  • The VD of a drug represents the degree to which a drug is distributed in body tissue rather than the plasma. VD is directly correlated with the amount of drug distributed into tissue; 
  • a higher VD indicates a greater amount of tissue distribution. 
  • A VD greater than the total volume of body water (approximately 42 liters in humans) is possible, and would indicate that the drug is highly distributed into tissue.

Drugs with a high lipid solubility (non-polar drugs), low rates of ionization, or low plasma protein binding capabilities have higher volumes of distribution than drugs which are more polar, more highly ionized or exhibit high plasma protein binding in the body's environment.

Volume of distribution may be increased by renal failure (due to fluid retention) and liver failure (due to altered body fluid and plasma protein binding). Conversely it may be decreased in dehydration.

Answer of Drug Absorption

Correct answer = 4

Both exercise and strong emotions prompt sympathetic output which slows gastric emptying.

in the stomach weak base is primarily in the protonated charged form which does not readily cross the epithelial cells of the stomach.

atropine is a parasympathetic blocker and slows gastric emptying. this delays the rate of drug absorption.

a large Vd indicates that most of the drug is outside the plasma space and dialysis would not be effective.

a small Vd indicates extensive binding to plasma proteins.


Rickets is a condition that results in weak or soft bones in children.
Symptoms include
  1. bowed legs, 
  2. stunted growth, 
  3. bone pain, 
  4. large forehead, and 
  5. trouble sleeping.
Complications may include
  1. bone fractures, 
  2. muscle spasms, 
  3. an abnormally curved spine, or 
  4. intellectual disability.
The most common cause is vitamin D deficiency. This can result from:
  1. eating a diet without enough vitamin D, 
  2. dark skin, 
  3. too little sun exposure, 
  4. exclusive breastfeeding without vitamin D supplementation, 
  5. celiac disease, and 
  6. certain genetic conditions.
  7. Other factors may include not enough calcium or phosphorus.
Image result for rickets
The underlying mechanism involves insufficient calcification of the growth plate.
Diagnosis is generally based on blood tests finding a low calcium, low phosphorus, and a high alkaline phosphatase together with X-rays.
  • Prevention includes vitamin D supplements for exclusively breastfed babies. 
  • Treatment depends on the underlying cause. If due to a lack of vitamin D, treatment is usually with vitamin D and calcium. This generally results in improvements within a few weeks.
  • Bone deformities may also improve over time. Surgery may be done to fix bone deformities.
  • Genetic forms of the disease require specialized treatment.

Rickets occurs relatively commonly in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.It begins in childhood, between the ages of 3 and 18 months old. Rates of disease are equal in males and females. Early treatments included the use of cod liver oil.

Answer of hidden words

  1. Chill
  2. Cold
  3. Sled
  4. Frost
  5. Boggan
  6. Ice



The point in the orbit of a planet, asteroid, or comet at which it is closest to the sun.
"today Mercury is at perihelion"

The word perihelion stems from the Greek words "peri," meaning near, and "Helios," meaning the Greek god of the sun. (The similar word, perigee, refers to the nearest point in some object's orbit of earth.)

When Earth is closest to the sun, it is winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere. Thus it is possible to see that Earth's distance from the sun does not noticeably cause the seasons to change; the relatively minor effects of differences in distance is somewhat masked by the mainly oceanic southern hemisphere vs the half- continental northern hemisphere. Therefore, the Earth's seasons come and go mainly because Earth does not rotate with its axis exactly upright with respect to the plane of our world’s orbit around the sun. Earth's axial tilt is 23.5 degrees. This puts the Sun farther south in December and January, so the north has winter and the south has summer. Thus winter falls on that part of the globe where sunlight strikes least directly. Summer falls on that part of the globe where sunlight strikes most directly.